Friday, May 29, 2009

Saint John Board of Trade calls for input from all stakeholders on implementing the Provincial Trauma System

Last year’s announcement by the Minister of Health in February regarding the designation of eighteen hospitals as part of the province’s integrated trauma system was welcomed with excitement. The proposed collaboration among the health regions in the care of trauma patients was a positive step for improved health services to all parts of New Brunswick and the government deserves to be commended for this.  We now need to focus on completing the process and implementing the system.

The Saint John Board of Trade is calling on the government, Minister of Health and the Trauma committee to ensure that the new trauma system receives the benefit of full input from all stakeholders, including the Department of Health, both Regional Health Authorities, and the medical staff who will deliver trauma care.  This approach will also serve to restore credibility to the process of building and implementing the provincial trauma system.

We strongly encourage the government, the Minister of Health, and the Trauma Committee to reach out to Dr. Trenholm and ensure that he is invited to participate in the implementation of the new trauma system. 

The circumstances in which Dr. Andrew Trenholm withdrew his application for the position of Medical Director of Trauma are concerning.  As one of only a handful of orthopedic trauma surgeons in Canada, it would seem imperative that Dr. Trenholm be involved in the implementation of the new provincial trauma system.  Dr. Trenholm has given generously of his time and commitment towards this important work for the past six years, and he is intimately acquainted with the strengths and weaknesses of the current system. 

“This issue not only impacts our ability to attract new doctors but also in attracting a highly skilled workforce to our community” said Imelda Gilman, Board of Trade President.  “This is vital to our ability as a province to becoming self-sufficient.”


The Saint John Board of Trade is a nationally accredited business organization dedicated to fostering an economic climate that enhances growth, prosperity, and an improved quality of life in the community.  With more than 1,000 members, representing 600 small, medium, and large businesses and organizations and therefore, the interests of more than 30,000 citizens, the Board is a dynamic advocate and the principal voice for the business community of Greater Saint John.  It offers a variety of programs, activities, services, and networking opportunities designed to enhance the business prospects of members and the overall business climate of the area.


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