Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Letter to the Editor "Thanks for Hospice Backing"

On February 17, 2009 the following letter from Dr. Michael Barry, Chair of the Saint John Board of Trade was published in the Telegraph Journal.

On behalf of the Saint John Board of Trade members and staff I would like to congratulate Hospice Saint John and the Province of New Brunswick for making palliative care a priority in our Province.

First, I would like to recognize all the Hospice Saint John volunteers and staff for their compassion and caring. Their commitment and hard work has paid off. I would especially like to extend thanks to our local area MLAs, Minister Michael Murphy, and Premier Graham for making Hospice Saint John a reality. Thank you for contributing not only to the capital campaign to renovate the location, but also committing to the operational funding of Hospice.

As a doctor I know the tremendous impact this will have on the patients and their families in providing quality end of life care; as the Chair of the Board of Trade I know the economic benefits this will have on our health budgets; and as a member of the community I know the role this will play in the lives of the people of Saint John and surrounding areas. With this funding New Brunswick and Saint John will become a leader in providing palliative care in Atlantic Canada.


Dr. Michael Barry


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