Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Saint John Board of Trade Announces Recipient of 2008 Chair's Award

October 29, 2008: Dr. Michael Barry, Chair of the Saint John Board of Trade is pleased to announce his choice for the 2008 “Chair’s Award” to be presented at the 24th annual Outstanding Business Achievement Awards dinner on Wednesday, November 26th at the Saint John Trade and Convention Centre.


The Chair’s Award was established in 1993 to recognize a company, or individual, who has demonstrated a particular excellence or achievement in a certain aspect of their business, having made either an immediate impact on or a substantial long-term contribution to the economic progress of our community.


“For his countless hours contributing to the development and leadership of the Saint John Board of Trade and his championing economic development initiatives such as Reaching Atlantica and the Benefits Blueprint, it is my pleasure to announce that the recipient of the 2008 Saint John Board of Trade’s Chair’s Award is Bob Manning” said Dr. Barry. “I congratulate Bob for all the time and effort he has devoted to the economic enhancement of Saint John.”


Since returning to Saint John a few short years ago, Bob Manning has volunteered with numerous community organizations in Saint John. Mr. Manning, currently the Chair of Enterprise Saint John, has been involved with the Saint John Board of Trade as a Past Chair 2006-2007 of the Board of Directors, Past Chair of the Government Affairs Committee and a Co-Chair of the First Reaching Atlantica Conference in 2006 held in Saint John. Mr. Manning is also a member of the Board for Saint John Energy, a member of the Board at Rothesay Netherwood School and a Director of the Regional Hospital Foundation. Most recently, Mr. Manning has Chaired the Benefits Blueprint initiative which is a broad-based community initiative designed to optimize economic growth and social benefits resulting from New Brunswick’s major capital projects.


The 24th annual Outstanding Business Achievement Awards dinner will be held at 6 p.m., Wednesday, November 26th at the Saint John Trade and Convention Centre. Tickets are available by contacting the Board of Trade office at 40 King Street, Saint John or by calling (506) 634-8111.


Past recipients of the Chair’s Award include: Mr. Philip Oland in 1993; Saint John Pro Sports Inc. in 1994; Mr. Malcolm Somerville in 1995; the Imperial Theatre Inc. in 1996; Mr. Patrick Darrah in 1997; Cruise Saint John’s “Meet & Greet” Committee and the Irving Companies in 1999; New Brunswick Community College-Saint John and the University of New Brunswick Saint John in 2000; Mr. Lino Celeste in 2001; The Greater Saint John Roundtable on Primary Healthcare in 2002; Mr. Stephen MacMackin in 2003; and Dr. Mary Eileen Travis in 2004. The five regional mayors were honoured as group in 2005 for their leadership in the region’s True Growth Strategy including Mayor Grace Losier, Mayor Ron Maloney, Mayor Bill Bishop, Mayor Jim Huttges and Mayor Norm McFarlane. The Atlantica Centre for Energy was the recipient in 2006 and the Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative (BCAPI) was the recipient in 2007.  


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